Look at the pictures and compare hobbies.
Do you like these different hobbies? (Why or why not?)
Do you think …
- … playing football is fun?
- … playing an instrument is difficult?
- … playing computer games is boring?
- … reading is interesting?
- … painting/drawing is easy?
Which of these hobbies do you like best?
Do you do any sport? (Br)
Do you play any sports? (more common in Am Eng)
*remember the use of the verbs play / go / do
Every Sunday I play volleyball with my friends.
NOT practice
BUT you can use practice when it means to train
The team is practicing/training for the big game. (VERB-AM)
The team are in training for the big match.
I have football practice three days a week. (practice is a NOUN)
I practice the piano every day. (VERB)
Which is more fun, playing sports or watching sports? (Why?)
What do you think about playing video games/football/an instrument/reading/drawing/?
What do you think about the people who do these things?
Are you good at drawing / sports / playing any instrument?
Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people? (Why?)
How much time do you spend drawing / reading / playing video games?
When do you play video games / rugby / the piano?
When did you .....?
How much time did you spend drawing / practicing the piano...?
Do you ever draw animals?
Do you like drawing landscapes?
What are you drawing now?
What kind of books do you like to read?
What are you reading now?