Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Common Mistakes in Part 6 (Email to Danni)

Here is the email you did in class or at home for homework. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.

Your English friend Danni doesn't know anything about the party tomorrow. Write an email to Danni.

  • where the party will be
           There will be a party at the swimming pool tomorrow evening. (11)
            Mary is having a party at her house tomorrow. (9)
  • what Danni should bring 
         You should bring your swimming suit, a towel, and your flip-flops. (12)   
           You should bring some chips and some drinks. (8)  
  • who is going to be there
            All of our classmates are going to be there. (9)
           All of her relatives and close friends are going to be there. (12)
Write 25-35 words. (11+12+9 = 32)  /  (9+8+12= 29) + closing sentence

  1. Leggere le istruzioni con attenzione, capire le 3 quisiti e a chi rispondere.
    Don't change the name and make sure you spell it correctly.
    The name was Danni, not Danny.
  2. Usare la forma corretta. Iniziare con  Hi / Hello + Name seguito da ,
    Andare a capo e iniziare la prima parola con lettera MAIUSCOLA. Rispondere ai 3 quesiti.
    Chiudere, firmare, scrivere il numero delle parole.  Chiudere con una frase corretta, non usare Bye bye.

    Hi Danni,
    There will be a party at the disco tomorrow night.  You should bring some money and your video camera. Everyone in our class is going to be there.
    I hope to see you then.  
    Elena              (34 words)

  3. What Danni should bring is not a question. You are suggesting what Danni should bring:         You should bring your pajamas/swimming suit/some desserts and chips.

  4. PROBLEM part: WHO is going to be there?  
    All of our classmates are going to be there.
    /Bob, Jane and Heather are going to be there.

  5. You cannot write: Are you ready for the party?   Danni doesn't know anything about it!

  6. Do not use TO with must / can / should
            You should to bring your favorite records.

  7. I want TO / They are going TO / I would like TO.  I would like to is more polite than I want to.         I would like to invite you to my party.     

  8. Do NOT begin sentences with AND, BUT or SO.

  9. PUNCTUATION is important! You must end your sentences with full stops / periods (.) or question marks (?)  not commas ( , ) or an ellipsis ( ... ).

  10. Days of the week must be capitalized: Saturday, not saturday.

  11. There is -- used in the singular: There is a ball on the floor.
    There are -- used in the plural: There are some balls on the floor.

  12. You cannot use party'll. You must write "the party will"
Here is some extra practice. You can write your answers in the comments section below or give them to me in class. Try at least one of these.

A . 
 You went to a party. Write a note about it to your English friend, Allison. Say:
  • when you went to the party
  • where the party was
  • why you enjoyed the party

    Write 25-35 words

B.  Your English friend, Roger, has got a digital camera. You'd like to use it.
Write an email to Roger:
  • ask if you can use his camera
  • say why you need his camera
  • ask when you can collect his camera
Write 25 -35 words.

C.  You are going to watch an international football match on television tonight.  Write an email to your English friend Alex,
Tell Alex:
  • What TV channel the match will be on
  • Which countries will play in the match
  • Why you think the match will be good.       Write 25-35 words.

D. Read this note from your friend Lisa. 
     I'm going to visit your town next week. I'd like to see you. What day can we meet?       Where can we meet?   I want to bring you a present. What would you like?

Write a note to Lisa. Answer her questions.     Write 25 -35 words.

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