Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Some common writing mistakes - part 6

These are some of the mistakes you have made in your writing.  READ CAREFULLY!
  • Use the correct format. 
  • Hi NOT HY
  • Do NOT use an exclamation mark when you begin your letter: Dear Mark, NOT Dear Mark! 
  • different from or different than not different of
  • Remember the "s" for the third person: It starts at 9 o'clock. / He plays football. 
  • wait for / listen to / good at would like to / want to
  • 5 o'clock  OR  5 p.m. NOT 5 o'clock p.m. 
  • 16.30 p.m. = 4:30 p.m. (The 24 hour system cannot be used with a.m. or p.m., and should not be used in the test.)
  •  €7.50  (non ,)
  • we GO TO the city center, not at or in.
  • We go bowling, swimming, running.
  • We play football, basketball, tennis, soccer.
  • We do sports, exercises, karate, aerobics.
  • BY bus, train, car, bike, plane / ON foot
  • yesterday night → last night; yesterday evening
  • must to / will must / should to      
  •    We must do our homework now. 
       We will do our homework later.
       We should do our homework now. 
  • english, i, monday, april - English, I, Monday, April ALL MUST BE written with a CAPITAL LETTER! 
  • Watch the spelling of simple words like   because / with 
  • Be careful about dividing words. be-cause NOT becau-se. If you are unsure, DON'T divide the word.
  • You should write the numbers 1-10 in wordsWe stayed there for three hours. 
  • Titles of books, films, TV programs,  should be underlined:  The Titanic or The Hunger Games 
  • Sentences must end with a . Do not use ... or , Finite la frase con un punto, punto esclamativo (Look out!) o punto interrogativo (Are you coming?).  
    Una frase è un'idea. 
    Ha un inizio e una fine. 
    Do NOT close your letter with "Kisses," or "Bye Bye,"  
  • Do NOT use "LET ME KNOW." for every closing letter.   "Let me know." is when you are waiting for information. Choose other closings like: Write me soon. / Love, / Your friend, / See you soon. 
  • Scrivete più leggibile possibile e in maniera semplice e chiara. (La "n" deve sembrare una "n", non una "m"; niente strani disegni o cuoricini sopra la "i" o faccine.)
  • 25 -35 words.   Make sure you are at least 27, but try not to go over 38. Count the words and write the number at the end. 
  • Rileggete per correggere gli errori

         we go swimming, running, biking
         we play sports with balls -tennis, basketball, rugby, golf
         we do sports, activities, exercises, martial arts, gymnastics
    Click HERE for more on GO - PLAY - DO

  • NOTE the verb forms. Use the same ones when possible. 
    Examples: **say which shops you are going to
                                              I'm going to the music store to buy a new CD. 
                            **What would you like to do there?  
                                               I would like to go swimming.

    You are to ANSWER the questions NOT ask them. Read carefully what the three points you must answer are. 

    Suggestions for "problem" questions/answers:
    • How long does it take? It takes twenty minutes.
    • What instrument would you like to learn at school? I would like to learn to play the guitar; play the piano-.
    • My nearest sport center - The nearest...
    • He has brown short curly hair. - He has short, brown, curly hair. 
    • I've a football match.  have a football match. / I've got a football match. 
    • I'm glad your invite. - Thank you for your invitation. 
    • It's OK for you?  - Is that OK with you? 

    - What does he look like?   My brother is tall and has curly, brown hair.

    - Where will he wait for me?  
    IF the brother is meeting the girl at the bus station, DO NOT write: He will wait for you in front of the cinema.   OR  He will wait for you at the station.

    BUT you can write:  He will wait for you outside the station.

                                                                      near the ticket office.
                                                                      at the entrance.
                                                                      in the car park.
    Where shall we meet? / Where do you want to meet?

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