Have you ever won a prize? What is the price of (a ticket)?
How much is it? / How much are they?
How much does it cost? / How much do they cost?
£1400 = "one thousand four hundred pounds"
£19.50 = "nineteen pounds, fifty"
€ 4.75 = four euros and seventy-five cents
"That's four seventy-five, please."
"That'll be four seventy-five, please."
$122.33 = one hundred twenty-two dollars and thirty-three cents
How much is it? / How much are they?
How much does it cost? / How much do they cost?
£1400 = "one thousand four hundred pounds"
£19.50 = "nineteen pounds, fifty"
€ 4.75 = four euros and seventy-five cents
"That's four seventy-five, please."
"That'll be four seventy-five, please."
$122.33 = one hundred twenty-two dollars and thirty-three cents
Whose party is it? It's Hannah's party.
What is the food like? It's spicy. / It's very good.
What is the weather like? It's sunny and warm.
Is eating out expensive? / Is it expensive to eat out?
No, it's not expensive. It's cheap.
What is the weather like? It's sunny and warm.
Where does it take place? It takes place in the city center.
Can you eat there?
Is there any food there?
What kind of food is there?
How will/can we get there?
What kind of transport will/can we use?
Is there any food there?
What kind of food is there?
How will/can we get there?
What kind of transport will/can we use?
How/get there?
How can you get there?
How do we get there?
How do we get there?
(You can get there...) BY bus / train / boat / car
ON foot
always sunny?ON foot
Is it always sunny?
What can you see there?
What will we see there?
What will we see there?
How old is it? / How old is he/she?
car park?
Is there a car park?
Is there a car park?
more information?
Can you give me more information, please?
Where can I get more information?
How can I get more information?
What should I wear? (you, we)
What do I/you/we have to wear?
What should I wear? (you, we)
What do I/you/we have to wear?
What clothes should I wear? / What should I wear?
What should I bring?
What can I bring?
What clothes should I wear? / What should I wear?
What should I bring?
What can I bring?
How long is the journey?
How long is the journey?
Is the journey long?
Is the food good?
Do they have good food?
book/place (book means prenotare)
How can I book a place?
Can I book a place?
When is it? (the party, the competition)
When it is open?
April 25 or 25 April = "on the twenty-fifth of April" OR "April twenty-fifth."
Is the food good?
Do they have good food?
book/place (book means prenotare)
How can I book a place?
Can I book a place?
When is it? (the party, the competition)
When it is open?
April 25 or 25 April = "on the twenty-fifth of April" OR "April twenty-fifth."
November - January = "from November to January"
9 - 5 = "from nine to five"
Rd = Road
1900 = nineteen hundred
1st = first
31st = thirty-first
2nd = second
22nd = twenty-second
3rd = third
23rd = twenty-third
5th = fifth
9th= ninth
12th = twelfth
@ = at
www.english.com = Double u-double u-double u - dot - English - dot - com
Rd = Road
1900 = nineteen hundred
1st = first
31st = thirty-first
2nd = second
22nd = twenty-second
3rd = third
23rd = twenty-third
5th = fifth
9th= ninth
12th = twelfth
@ = at
www.english.com = Double u-double u-double u - dot - English - dot - com
If you have any questions or if there are other problem questions to add, please write them in the comments section below.
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