Thursday, February 14, 2019

Talking about the WEATHER

fog - foggy
storm - stormy
thunderstorm - thunder/ lightning
ice - icy
wet - dry
What is the weather like today?  
    It's cold and windy.
    It's warm and sunny.
    It's raining. / It's rainy.
    It's freezing cold!
It's cloudy.  I think it's going to rain.

What is the difference?
It's cold.
I''m cold.
I have a cold. 

What will the weather be like tomorrow?
It will be a bit chilly like today.

What was the weather like yesterday?
    It was hot and sunny.
It was cloudy in the morning and then it rained in the afternoon. 

What's the weather usually like in your city? 
It's usually warm and sunny, but sometimes it can be very windy. It is never very cold.

What is the weather like in Italy in September / August / January?  
September is usually quite warm. The skies are clear and it rarely rains. 

(autumn or fall)                                          
What's the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter?

Spring can be very wet and warm. 

In summer, it is usually quite hot and sunny with very little rain.

We often have thunderstorms in autumn

It rarely snows in winter

Which season is your favorite / do you like the most?  

I think I like spring the most. The weather is warm and the city is more colorful because there are many flowers.

I like summer because we don't go to school and we can go to the beach every day. I love swimming and staying out late with my friends. 

I like fall because it isn't very hot. When it rains, I like to read a book on the sofa.

My favorite season is winter.  I love snowy weather and winter sports, such as ice skating, skiing, and snowboarding. 

Try these exercises: 1 2 and game


Anonymous said...

I didn't understood the cold and icy picture. I did mistakes in game 2. I must to read. Game is fun. I will play with my sister.

Prof O said...

Did you understand the other pictures?
Do you understand the mistakes you made in exercise 2? It is important to read the question and article carefully.
Let me know who wins!